Having a microchip ID tag installed at Westbury Animal Hospital is one of the simplest forms of permanent identification. The benefits of a microchip ID far outweigh the costs - a few dollars hurts far less than the pain of losing a beloved friend.
The case for having your pet micro-chipped is a strong one, as the facts do not lie:
30-60% of lost pets in shelters are euthanized because they cannot be properly identified and returned to their owner.
Only about 14% of dogs and 4% of cats who end up in shelters are returned to their rightful owners.
Less than 25% of all animals that enter shelters are adopted by new owners.
About 2 million pets that are reported missing each year may be victims of theft.
Collar tags are a great way to identify lost pets and reunite them with their owners, but they can easily come off or be removed.
Tattoos are difficult to remove from an animal, but they are still not 100% reliable. Tattoos can be altered, fade, or blur, and are not always easy to read.
Reading a microchip is far easier than trying to read the tattoo of a frightened stray animal.
Micro-chipping is permanent, completely unalterable, and does not change or harm the appearance of the animal in any way.
There are about 20,000 microchip scanners currently in use by shelters, veterinarians, and municipal organizations around the country.
The procedure is safe, inexpensive, fast and virtually painless for the animal.
We offer our clients the HOME AGAIN pet recovery system.