Super Suite Accommodations
Regardless of which suite you choose, you can feel confident knowing that our medically trained, caring staff will attend to your pet's needs 24-hours a day.
Our Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians will immediately address any unexpected illness or condition that may arise.
All of our Suite accommodations are spacious, indoor, and climate controlled with 100% uncirculated air. They include raised pet beds, nutritious meals, daily housekeeping service, walks four times a day, and convenient pick up times.

Medical Boarding
Westbury Animal Hospital will administer your pet's medications or monthly preventatives at no additional charge.
All prescription medications must be in the original prescription bottle. Any over the counter medications must also be in the original container. Loose medications and medications in pill containers will not be accepted. Medications will be given as directed on the prescription bottle or packaging.
Multiple Pet Discounts
Additional Canine Pets in the same suite will receive a 25% Discount per additional pet in select suites. See Boarding Policies & Procedures for more information. Please contact us for more information.

Dog Lodging
+ Standard Suites
$38 per day
Our Standard Suite provides ample space for dogs of all shapes and sizes. The perfect accommodations for multiple pet families.
- Kennel Space: 6 x 4 suite (3 pet maximum), 3 x 5 suites (2 pet maximum) and 2 x 5 (2 pet maximum) suites are available depending on the size of your pet.
- Walks: Four 10 minute daily relief walks.
- Bedding: We provide elevated cot beds along with other bedding in all suites.
- Medication: Administration of any medication throughout your pets stay. Particular medical conditions and requirements may need a higher level of medical care and accommodations during your pets boarding reservation. Please contact us with any questions and concerns at 713-723-3666.
- Diet: We encourage you to bring your own diet, if not, we provide an in-house medicated diet. (NO RAW DIETS)
- Social Times: You can purchase up to three 15 minute social times for an addiotnal fee of $12.00 each per day.
Each additional pet in the same kennel accommodation will receive 25% discount of the original price.
+ Executive Dog Suites
$49 per night
Our Executive Suite is a decorated, private suite that is truly a home away from home. Each room has ceramic tiled walls and a tempered glass door.
- Kennel Space: 6 x 5 suite (3 pet maximum)
- Walks: Four 10 minute daily relief walks.
- Bedding: We provide elevated cot beds along with other bedding in all suites.
- Medication: Administration of any medication throughout your pets stay. Particular medical conditions and requirements may need a higher level of medical care and accommodations during your pets boarding reservation. Please contact us with any questions and concerns at 713-723-3666.
- Diet: We encourage you to bring your own diet, if not, we provide an in-house medicated diet. (NO RAW DIETS)
- Social Times: One 15 minute social times is included and you can purchase up to two more 15 minute social times for an addiotnal fee of $12.00 each per day.
Each additional pet in the same kennel accommodation will receive 25% discount of the original price.
+ Private VIP Dog Suites
$55 per night
Our VIP Suite is a decorated, private suite that is truly a home away from home. Each room has ceramic tiled walls, a tempered glass door, completely included away from all other noise.
- **Kennel Space: **6 x 6 suite (3 pet maximum)
- Walks: Four 10 minute daily relief walks.
- Bedding: We provide elevated cot beds along with other bedding in all suites.
- Medication: Administration of any medication throughout your pets stay. Particular medical conditions and requirements may need a higher level of medical care and accommodations during your pets boarding reservation. Please contact us with any questions and concerns at 713-723-3666.
- Diet: We encourage you to bring your own diet, if not, we provide an in-house medicated diet. (NO RAW DIETS)
- Social Times: Two 15 minute social times is included and you can purchase up to one more 15 minute social times for an addiotnal fee of $12.00 each per day.
Each additional pet in the same kennel accommodation will receive 25% discount of the original price.
+ Puppy Boarding
$45.70 per night
A special place for your puppy as it provides ample space. The perfect accommodations for your puppy to move around and play.
- Kennel Space: 3 x 5 suites (1 pet maximum) Additional pet cannot be accommodated in this area.
- Walks: Four 10 minute daily relief walks.
- Bedding: We provide elevated cot beds along with other bedding in all suites.
- Medication: Administration of any medication throughout your pets stay. Particular medical conditions and requirements may need a higher level of medical care and accommodations during your pets boarding reservation. Please contact us with any questions and concerns at 713-723-3666.
- Diet: We encourage you to bring your own diet, if not, we provide an in-house medicated diet. (NO RAW DIETS)
- Social Times: You can purchase up to three 15 minute social times for an addiotnal fee of $12.00 each per day.
Cat Lodging
+ Standard Cat Suites
$25 per night
Our Standard Cat Suites are large enough for an individual cat along with a litter box.
- Kennel Space: 2 x 3 suite (1 pet maximum) Additional pet cannot be accommodated in this area.
- Bedding: We provide bedding in all kennels.
- Medication: Administration of any medication throughout your pets stay. Particular medical conditions and requirements may need a higher level of medical care and accommodations during your pets boarding reservation. Please contact us with any questions and concerns at 713-723-7666.
- Diet: We encourage you to bring your own diet, if not, we provide an in-house medicated diet. (NO RAW DIETS)
- Social Times: You can purchase up to three 15 minute social times for an addiotnal fee of $12.00 each per day.
+ Kitty Condos
$29 per night
A special place for your feline companions, our Kitty Condos are large enough for individual cats. With a separate space for the litter box, and a sleeping shelf, your cat will feel right at home.
- Kennel Space: 2 x 3 suite, divided litter box space. (1 pet maximum) Additional pets cannot be accommodated in this area.
- If you have multiple pets in our kitty condos you can reserve two kennels that have access to one another if there is open availability.
- Bedding: We provide bedding in all kennels.
- Medication: Administration of any medication throughout your pets stay. Particular medical conditions and requirements may need a higher level of medical care and accommodations during your pets boarding reservation. Please contact us with any questions and concerns at 713-723-7666.
- Diet: We encourage you to bring your own diet, if not, we provide an in-house medicated diet. (NO RAW DIETS)
- Social Times: One 15 minute social times is included in our private kitty play area. You can purchase up to two more 15 minute social times for an addiotnal fee of $12.00 each per day.
+ Kitten Boarding
$35.70 per night
- Kennel Space: 2 x 3 suite, divided litter box space. (1 pet maximum) Additional pets cannot be accommodated in this area.
- Bedding: We provide elevated cot beds along with other bedding in all suites.
- Medication: Administration of any medication throughout your pets stay. Particular medical conditions and requirements may need a higher level of medical care and accommodations during your pets boarding reservation. Please contact us with any questions and concerns at 713-723-7666.
- Diet: We encourage you to bring your own diet, if not, we provide an in-house medicated diet. (NO RAW DIETS)
- Social Times: You can purchase up to three 15 minute social times for an addiotnal fee of $12.00 each per day.
Day Care Lodging
+ Canine Day Care
$16 per day
- Kennel Space: Varies on availability.
- Walks: We provide up to four 10 minute daily relief walks.
- Bedding: We provide elevated cot beds along with other bedding in all suites.
- Medication: Administration of any medication throughout your pets stay.
- Diet: We encourage you to bring your own diet, if not, we provide an in-house medicated diet. (NO RAW DIETS)
+ Feline Day Care
$12 per day
- Kennel Space: 2 x 3 suite, divided litter box space.
- Bedding: We provide elevated cot beds along with other bedding in all suites.
- Medication: Administration of any medication throughout your pets stay.
- Diet: We encourage you to bring your own diet, if not, we provide an in-house medicated diet. (NO RAW DIETS)
Playtimes are an additional $12 per instance
Additional Info
Pre-boarding exam:
While boarding, an animal caretaker will trim your pet's nails, express the anal glands and check the eyes, ears, skin, and mouth. This is done at no additional charge. You must decline these services in writing if you wish for these services not to be performed.
Flea and Tick Prevention:
Every pet admitted for boarding will be examined for fleas and ticks upon check-in. If they are present, we will be treated immediately by bathing your pet and/or administer a Capstar at the regular charge. We must make every effort to prevent a flea/tick infestation in our hospital.
Pick Up & Drop Off Hours:
Monday – Saturday 7:00 am – 8:00 pm
Sunday 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Required Vaccinations:
Canine: DHP, Parvo, Rabies, Bordetella, Canine Influenza (H3N8 & H3N2)
Feline: FVRCP-P, Rabies
All medications must be in the original containers and have the written instructions on the pill vials. This includes any over-the-counter medications. Any medications not in the original containers will not be given to your patients, please do not use “Day of the Week” medication containers.

Boarding Check-In Agreements
I have reviewed the Westbury Animal Hospital Boarding Policy and Requirements and agree with its terms and conditions. I certify that my pet(s) are current on all required vaccinations and I have supplied Westbury Animal Hospital with the appropriate documentation regarding my pet's vaccination history. I authorize Westbury Animal Hospital to perform any procedure a doctor deems necessary for the health and well being of my pet(s) while boarding and agree to pay for any and all expenses related to same. I also understand the Westbury Animal Hospital reserves the right to re-assign pets to different suites or enclosures if they become destructive, overly aggressive or disruptive to staff and other pets.